We're thrilled at your interest in becoming part of Stop Stigma Together! Below, we will walk you through step by step to select the perfect partnership category.  We have several categories for participation as well as two different levels, partners and members. 

As you will learn below, partner requirements involve active contributions such as creating materials, linking to the website, participating in committees, and providing resources, while member requirements are focused on signing the pledge and designating a liaison contact for communication. Partners play a more active role in generating content and engagement, while members primarily express their commitment and support.

Here are the associated benefits of the two levels:

Partner Level Benefits
  • Access to materials and toolkits on the Stop Stigma Together website resources.
  • Access to the Partner database on the Stop Stigma Together website.
  • Listing as a Partner in the partner database on the Stop Stigma Together website with details about your organization and areas of interest.
  • Access to communities of practice (or interest groups) on the Stop Stigma Together website.
  • Placement of logo under Partners on Stop Stigma Together website.
  • Ability to participate on committees and communities of practice within the Stop Stigma Together initiative.
  • Opportunity to be in our newsletter and social media spotlights.
  • Bimonthly newsletter.
Member Level Benefits
  • Access to materials and toolkits on the Stop Stigma Together website resources.
  • Listing as an Academic Institution Member on Stop Stigma Together website.
  • Listing as an Academic Institution Member in the member database on the Stop Stigma Together website with details about your institution.
  • Listing of institution on Stop Stigma Together website.
  • Bimonthly newsletter.

Membership Details

Are you a partner or a member? We're so glad you asked!  Based on the definitions below, simply select the category that best fits you/your organization:
  • Partner – Active partners offer materials or services that contribute to the growth of the Grand Challenge to Stop Stigma.
  • Member – Members contribute to the growth of the Grand Challenge to Stop Stigma with engagement but do not offer materials or services.
Company/Institution or Organization

Individual Memberships

Tell Us About Your Organization/Company: 


Please include country code.

Web Address

Please include country code.


Street Address Line 1*

Street Address Line 2

Street Address Line 3



Postal Code*

More About Organization*

How many individuals are in your organization?*

What is your non-profit classification?*

Do you engage in work around the mental and/or behavioral health space?*

Do you have programming currently related to stigma?*

What type of stigma is your programming focused on?*

Please upload any other documents you would like to share. (PDF, DOC or DOCX)

Please upload you company logo. (PDF, DOC or DOCX)

Tell Us About Yourself:


First Name*
Middle Name
Last Name*



Press Ctrl/Cmd key and click on each to select multiple.

Job Title*

Please include country code.


Display Name*

Enter your full name as you would like it shown in communications from the



Login Details

Login e-mail address*

You will receive e-mail communications to your login e-mail address.


Password must be at least 6 characters long.

Re-enter Password*

By submitting this request, you agree to receive Stop Stigma Together email correspondence. To opt out of receiving ALL Stop Stigma Together emails, please contact info@stopstigmatogether.org.